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Glass Design Luxury Architecture explained by Carlo Santambrogio

The transparent housing concepts by Santambrogiomilano are designed to be built almost anywhere around the world and allow to people to be totally immersed in the nature. Every single part of the dwelling, except for the ground floor, is composed of structural glass pieces. The "Glass House" would be located in colder climates and it is constructed of thicker glass panels capable of withstanding larger loads and will help insulate interiors. With a button touch, the special glass panel instantly turns matte for privacy and sliding curtains make it possible to further close off specific rooms. On the other hand, the "Cliff House" contains thinner lighter glass elements as there are no external forces acting upon the structure. Elevated over a thin bed of water, the dwelling lets the owner feel as though floating above the ocean seen in the horizon. Not meant for dense urban areas, these residences create somewhat of an invisible enclosure that exposes a 360-degree view of the environment. A strict modular grid of transparent columns and beams allows the houses to become flexible in size accommodating the individual’s needs and desires.

Carlo Santambrogio

Ennio Arosio

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